Open Access

Table 3.

Description of the cluster sample used in the non-GGSL selection.

Cluster zcluster N
Abell 383 A383 0.188 70
Abell 209 A209 0.209 75
RX J2129+0005 R2129 0.234 51
Abell 2744 A2744 0.308 126
MS 2137–2353 MS2137 0.316 52
RX J2248–4431 (a) R2248 0.346 178
MACS J1931–2635 M1931 0.352 28
MACS 1115+0129 M1115 0.352 96
Abell 370 A370 0.375 172
MACS J0416–2403 M0416 0.397 120
MACS J1206–0847 M1206 0.439 147
MACS J0329–0211 M0329 0.450 66
RX J1347–1145 R1347 0.451 44
MACS J1311–0310 M1311 0.494 53
MACS J1149+2223 M1149 0.542 130
MACS J2129–0741 M2129 0.587 45

Notes. The cluster name, short name, and redshift are listed in the first three columns. The fourth column shows the number of non-GGSLs identified through visual inspection.


The cluster RX J2248−4431 is also known as Abell S1063.

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