Open Access

Table 1.

Description of the cluster sample included in the GGSL simulation.

Cluster zcluster Survey M200c(a) [1014M] Nimg NCLM () Δrms [″] Ref.
RX J2129+0005 R2129 0.234 CLASH 7.8±2.4 22 70 (34) 0.20 (1)
RX J2248–4431 (b) R2248 0.346 HFF 19.8±6.0 55 222 (115) 0.55 (2)
MACS J1931–2635 M1931 0.352 CLASH 11.6±8.8 19 120 (59) 0.38 (1)
MACS J0416–2403 M0416 0.397 HFF 11.4±2.7 182 193 (49) 0.40 (3)
MACS J1206–0847 M1206 0.439 CLASH 15.1±3.2 82 258 (147) 0.46 (2)
MACS J0329–0211 M0329 0.450 CLASH 12.7±2.2 23 106 (49) 0.24 (1)
RX J1347–1145 R1347 0.451 CLASH 35.4±5.1 20 114 (70) 0.36 (1)
MACS J2129–0741 M2129 0.587 CLASH 1.84±0.01 (c) 38 138 (45) 0.56 (1)

Notes. The first three columns list the: cluster names, short names, and redshifts. The fourth column specifies the program from which the images are extracted. Nimg (Col. 5) is the number of multiple images used to constrain the model, NCLM (Col. 6) is the number of CLMs used to describe the subhalo mass component (the number of CLMs photometrically selected is given in parentheses), Δrms (Col. 7) is the root-mean-square separation between the observed and model-predicted multiple image positions. The reference lens model for each cluster is quoted in the last column.


The cluster virial mass values were measured through weak lensing by Umetsu et al. (2018).


The cluster RX J2248.7−4431 is also known as Abell S1063.


The weak lensing measurement is not available for M2129; we report here the mass within 200 kpc from Caminha et al. (2019).

References. (1) Caminha et al. (2019); (2) Bergamini et al. (2019); (3) Bergamini et al. (2021a).

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