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Fig. 11.


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BPT diagram of QPE sources, including Tormund, indicating that its galaxy most likely does not host an AGN. For the other QPE sources, the data were taken from Wevers et al. (2022). The relative weakness of the Hβ line could most likely be explained by stellar absorption (Dewangan et al. 2000; Wevers et al. 2022), which is expected to be significant in host galaxies of TDEs, which are predominantly post-starbust (French et al. 2016). Accounting for this absorption, for instance by fitting a template galactic component (Wevers et al. 2022), would lead to a larger Hβ feature, and thus a smaller [OIII]/Hβ, driving the source even further down in the HII regions of all BPT diagrams.

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