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Fig. 1


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Multi-spacecraft radial trend analysis (plots versus distance, r, from the Sun) of magnetic field strength, B = |B|. Vertical lines indicate the semi-major axes of the orbits of the eight planets (black) and three dwarf planets (gray): Ceres, Pluto, and Eris. The top plot shows the number of one-hour intervals (Sect. 2) for which each spacecraft measured B. The middle plot shows each spacecraft's median B value for each r bin with at least 25 measurements. The bottom plot shows the trend in the scaled magnetic field strength, B/⟨B. Circular markers indicate median values, and vertical lines indicate the 25th- to 75th-percentile ranges (thick) and the 10th- to 90th-percentile ranges (thin). Bins at r > 80 au have blue markers to indicate that they are outliers due to the effects of the termination shock. The best-fit curve (Eq. (8)) is plotted in solid cyan; dashed cyan lines indicate the break points, and dotted cyan lines extend each power-law segment beyond its specified domain.

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