Open Access

Table A.2.

Spectroscopic parametersa, b of HSO.

Parameter This work Cazzoli et al. (2016)
A0 / MHz 299483.868(80) 299483.90(12)
B0 / MHz 20502.78627(60) 20502.7847(10)
C0 / MHz 19135.69995(60) 19135.6989(10)
DN / kHz 29.46847(79) 29.4675(13)
DNK / kHz 904.870(69) 904.18(11)
DK / MHz 26.122(74) 26.24(11)
d1 / kHz -2.02578(30) -2.02504(43)
d2 / kHz -0.35319(34) -0.35187(30)
HN / mHz -29.56(51) -28.42(75)
HNK / Hz 3.896(53) 2.779(88)
HKN / Hz 134.8(42) 144.7(43)
HK / kHz [6.43] [6.43]
h1 × 102 / mHz [-8.32] [-8.32]
h2 / mHz 5.09(36) [3.69]
h3 / mHz 1.07(18) 1.10(22)
LNK / mHz -59.6(18) -11.4(32)
LKKN / Hz 1.709(84)
ϵaa / MHz -10366.131(70) -10366.15(10)
ϵbb / MHz -426.630(10) -426.633(17)
ϵcc / MHz 0.205(12) 0.191(21)
/ MHz 377.951(13) 377.971(16)
c / MHz 2.9760(75) 2.979(10)
c / kHz -1.637(23) -1.676(32)
c / MHz 0.0569(27) 0.0638(36)
c / kHz -0.125(22) -0.114(30)
aF(H) / MHz -35.842(13) -35.72(50)
Taa(H) / MHz -11.917(30) -11.932(86)
Tbb(H) / MHz 10.45(12) 10.45(14)
Tab(H) d / MHz [-7.53] [-7.53]
Caa(H) / kHz [-20.18] [-20.18]
Cbb(H) / kHz [2.51] [2.51]
Ccc(H) / kHz [-1.52] [-1.52]

Notes. (a) Watson S-reduction. Uncertainties (1σ) are in units of the last significant digit. (b) Values given in square brackets are kept fixed at the computed values, see Cazzoli et al. (2016) for details. (c) Centrifugal-distortion dependence of the electron spin-rotation constants, as given by Endo et al. (1981). (d) The negative sign means the sign of Tab is opposite to that of 1/2(ϵab + ϵba).

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