Table 1.
Far-side active regions seen by SO/PHI.
Index | Date | Time | CR | Latitude | Longitude | NOAA # | Area | ⟨|Blos|⟩AR | ⟨Φ⟩AR |
UTC | 104 Mm2 | G | deg | ||||||
1 | 18 Nov. 2020 | 02:40 | 2237 | −18.0° | 335.1° | 12786 (CR+1) | 1.63 ( † ) | 61 ( † ) | −14.8 ( † ) |
2 | 18 Nov. 2020 | 02:40 | 2237 | 31.4° | 302.1° | 12787 (CR+1) | 1.17 | 45 | −11.3 |
3 | 18 Nov. 2020 | 02:40 | 2237 | −26.3° | 302.0° | 12789 (CR+1) | 0.05 | 31 | 0.7 ( * ) |
4 | 18 Nov. 2020 | 02:40 | 2237 | −23.5° | 251.8° | 12790 (CR+1) | 2.32 | 47 | −6.2 |
5 | 3 Oct. 2021 | 01:30 | 2249 | 16.3° | 155.0° | 12882 | 1.30 | 47 | −6.2 |
6 | 2 Feb. 2022 | 23:30 | 2253 | 23.8° | 339.1° | 12941 | 1.73 | 61 | −8.8 |
Notes. Each region is characterized by the date and time of SO/PHI observations, the coordinates of the region in the appropriate Carrington rotation (CR) frame, and by its NOAA number when it can be connected to a region on the Earth side. The active region area, unsigned magnetic field (|Blos|), and helioseismic phase shifts (Φ from HMI) are averaged over the active region area determined by SO/PHI and outlined by the red contours in Figs. 2 and A.1. ( † )Average quantities are computed only over the part of active region NOAA 12786 which is in SO/PHI’s field of view. ( * )Below the level of seismic noise in the quiet Sun, σΦ = 2.6°.
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