Fig. A.3.
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Plots of BΦ from far-side helioseismology for 17–19 November 2020 (blue) and unsigned line-of-sight magnetic field |Blos| on 18 November 2020 from SO/PHI (orange) and SDO/HMI (yellow). The data are averaged over the latitude band 25° ≤λ ≤ 40° in the north (a) and over the latitude band −30° ≤λ ≤ −15° in the south (b). Note: |Blos| is smoothed in longitude with a running mean over 4°. The active regions 1, 2, and 4 are indicated on the plots (see Table 1). Notice that the values shown here for active regions 1, 2, and 4 are not directly comparable to the values given in Fig. 4 because we are averaging over latitude bands and not over active region areas.
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