Open Access

Table 1.

Input and output optimized parameters of the M0416 lens model presented in this work.

Input parameter values and assumed priors
x [arcsec] y [arcsec] e θ [°] σLT [km s−1] rcore [arcsec] rcut [arcsec]
Cluster-scale halos 1st Cluster halo −15.0  ÷  15.0 −15.0  ÷  15.0 0.20  ÷  0.90 100.0  ÷  180.0 350  ÷  1000 0.0  ÷  20.0 2000.0
2nd Cluster halo 15.0  ÷  30.0 −45.0  ÷   − 30.0 0.20  ÷  0.90 90.0  ÷  170.0 350  ÷  1200 0.0  ÷  25.0 2000.0
3rd Cluster halo −55.0  ÷   − 25.0 0.0  ÷  30.0 0.00 0.0 50  ÷  750 0.0  ÷  35.0 2000.0
4th Cluster halo −10.0  ÷  50.0 −75.0  ÷   − 15.0 0.20  ÷  0.90 0.0  ÷  180.0 100  ÷  1000 0.0  ÷  20.0 2000.0

1st Gas halo −18.1 −12.1 0.12 −156.8 433 149.2 149.8
2nd Gas halo 30.8 −48.7 0.42 −71.5 249 34.8 165.8
3rd Gas halo −2.4 −1.3 0.42 −54.7 102 8.3 37.6
4th Gas halo −20.1 14.7 0.40 −49.3 282 51.7 52.3

Subhalos Gal-8971 13.3 2.6 0.00  ÷  0.60 −90.0  ÷  90.0 60  ÷  200 0.0001 0.0  ÷  50.0

Foreground gal. 32.0 −65.6 0.00 0.0 50  ÷  350 0.0001 5.0  ÷  100.0

Scaling relations Ngal = 212 α = 0.30 βcut = 0.60 γ = 0.20

Optimized output parameters
x [arcsec] y [arcsec] e θ [°] σLT [km s−1] rcore [arcsec] rcut [arcsec]

Cluster-scale halos 1st Cluster halo 2000.0
2nd Cluster halo 2000.0
3rd Cluster halo 0.0 0.0 2000.0
4th Cluster halo 2000.0

Subhalos Gal-8971 13.3 2.6 0.0001

Foreground. gal. 32.0 −65.6 0.0 0.0 0.0001

Scaling relations Ngal = 212 α = 0.30 βcut = 0.60 γ = 0.20

Notes. Top: Input parameter values of the reference model for the galaxy cluster M0416 presented in this work. A single number is quoted for a fixed parameter value. When a flat prior on a free parameter value is considered, the boundaries of the prior separated by the ÷ symbol are reported. The x and y coordinates are expressed with respect to the position of the BCG-N. As in B21, a Gaussian prior is assumed on the normalization value () of the first scaling relation in Eq. (4). The mean and the standard deviation values of the Gaussian prior are quoted in square brackets. The total number of galaxies (Ngal) optimized through the scaling relations, and the reference magnitude value () are also reported. Bottom: For each free parameter of the reference lens model we quote the median value and the 16th and 84th percentiles of the marginalized posterior distribution.

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