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Fig. 13.


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Membership list comparisons between this work and the catalogue of Cantat-Gaudin & Anders (2020), using three clusters selected at random (upper three) and two clusters selected at random that were detected in Castro-Ginard et al. (2018) using Gaia DR1 data. Stars assigned as members by this work are plotted with filled blue circles, while members reported by Cantat-Gaudin & Anders (2020) are plotted with empty black circles. The first three columns compare the astrometry of cluster members in galactic coordinates, proper motions, and parallax as a function of l. The final column compares colour-magnitude diagrams of each resulting membership list. For every cluster, various parameters are labelled on the plots: number of member stars in Cantat-Gaudin & Anders (2020)NTCG, number of member stars in this work N, astrometric S/N as estimated by the CST, distance d, and probability of being a single stellar population given the neural network in Sect. 4.

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