Open Access

Table B.1.

Summary of permitted lines observed and fitted, and the red excesses observed and fitted.

SP013 Spectrum Red excess
Line Wavelength Comment FWHM Offset Kurtosis Flux 10−17 FWHM Offset Flux 10−17
(Å) (km/s) (km/s) (erg/s/cm2) (km/s) (km/s) (erg/s/cm2)
UVB With Major Continuum Issues

Mg II 2799.00 Undef. Ctm
He I 3888.647 Undef. Ctm
Hϵ 3970.079 Undef. Ctm
Hδ 4101.742 1580 0 -0.01 56.68 905 240 12.50
±25 0 0 ±5.07 ±120 ±50 ±4.73
Hγ 4340.471 Problematic 1580 0 0.22 115.26 1030 285 25.37
±25 0 ±0.05 ±2.21 ±30 ±35 ±2.34


He II 4685.710 Undef. Ctm
Hβ 4861.333 1580 0 -0.01 375.86 905 240 37.60
±25 0 0 ±7.06 ±80 ±40 ±4.87
He I 5875.624 Problematic 1660 −85 1.89 58.51 795 220 16.18
±175 ±40 ±0.95 ±8.48 ±195 ±85 ±3.96
Hα 6562.819 Blend 1565 45 0 1755.63 1130 180 179.52
±60 ±35 0 ±224.10 ±200 ±60 ±65.6
He I 7065.196 Problematic 820 340 9.69
±150 ±20 ±1.71

NIR Few Telluric Issues

O I 8446.359 Telluric 1560 180 0 97.15
±225 ±75 0 ±13.58
Paϵ 9545.969 Blend
Paδ 10049.368 Telluric
He I 10830.340 1660 −85 1.89 268.68 1320 150 103.06
±175 ±40 ±0.95 ±40.54 ±155 ±110 ±35.09
Paγ 10938.086 Telluric
Paβ 12818.072 1500 0 0 172.11 1100 25 30.97
±60 0 0 ±25.28 ±70 ±105 ±12.26
Paα 18750.976 Telluric 1550 −25 −0.7 186.14 760 35 37.01
±225 ±70 ±0.58 ±50.19 ±180 ±95 ±20.66

Notes. Columns: (1) emission line name; (2) rest-frame wavelengths measured in air in Å; (3) specific comments regarding issues in line fitting the profile. Undef. Ctm refers to lines for which we are unable to accurately define the continuum for a fit. For telluric, problematic, and blend, refer to text in Appendix B; (4) FWHM of the line profile from SP013 in km/s, with empty entries indicating that the feature was not fitted; (5) velocity offset of the line profile from SP013 in km/s, with negative values indicating a blueshift; (6) kurtosis or skew of the line profile from SP013; (7) flux of the emission line from SP013 in 10−17 erg/s/cm/cm; (8) FWHM of the red excess in km/s; (9) velocity offset of the red excess in km/s; and (10) flux of the red excess in 10−17 erg/s/cm/cm.

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