Open Access

Table A.1.

List of measured photometry of objects in the PKS 2004-447 field across the four acquisition images.

Object SP0 SP1 SP2 SP3
ZP 29.015 29.077 29.75 29.76
PKS 18.448 18.457 18.188 18.528
Star 1 16.650 16.650 16.649 16.653
Star 2 16.005 16.001 16.013 16.008
Star 3 15.940 15.925 15.940 15.921
Star 4 18.667 18.626 18.664 18.679
Star 5 20.203 20.114 20.129 20.029

Notes. Columns: (1) object label; and (2-5) SDSS R-band magnitudes, with zero points (ZP) defined in the table of the objects in acquisition images associated with SP0, SP1, SP2, and SP3, respectively. Errors are not given as they are < 0.1% from Source Extractor, but the larger uncertainty comes from variations between epochs.

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