Open Access

Table 1.

X-shooter observations.

Name Epoch Epoch Airmass Airmass Seeing Exposure Rotation S/N SDSS r
(Date) (MJD) start end time (s) (°) (AB mag)
SP0 2017-05-28 57901.206 1.453 1.231 1.05 235 0 13 18.448
SP1 2017-06-19 57923.214 1.156 1.080 1.21 235 40 13 18.457
SP2 2019-11-25 58812.027 1.636 2.106 1.27 750 10 24 18.188
SP3 2021-05-05 59339.368 1.096 1.065 0.94 750 50 17 18.528

Notes. Columns: (1) spectrum name; (2) observation date; (3) observation date in modified Julian date (MJD); (4) airmass at the beginning of the observation; (5) airmass at the end of the observation; (6) DIMM seeing during the observation; (7) exposure time in seconds; (8) slit rotation as measured with respect to the first spectrum, SP0; (9) signal-to-noise ratio measured from the featureless region between 5300–5400 Å; (10) SDSS magnitudes obtained from the flux calibrated acquisition images.

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