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Fig. B.2.


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Full version of Figure 3, showing all of the lines with enhancements or red excesses. This is a grid of plots showing an emission line region from the four X-SHOOTER spectra. All lines have been smoothed with a median filter with a 5 pixel window, which is significantly narrower than any features that could be present. In each panel, two spectra (blue and orange line) and their subtracted result (green line) are plotted with the observed flux in the y-axis and the velocity offset in the x-axis. The two spectra in each panel are plotted depending on the row and column as indicated in large font. For example, the bottom right corner plots SP2 and SP3. In the top left corner, the panel with a black box plots SP013 and SP2. We also indicate the 0 value in the y- and x- axes for every panel with vertical and horizontal dashed lines. These visual aids emphasise the non-zero redshift in the emission line excess in panels involving SP2. The statistical significance of the excess is also given in the relevant panels (see footnote 3 for details). We see that in all other panels without SP2, the green line is consistent with 0, indicating almost no variation outside of the flare.

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