Table 1.

Statistical properties of EUV dynamic fibrils.

Deceleration (†) Max. length (†) Max. speed (†) Lifetime
[m s−2] [km] [km s−1] [s]
All slits 82 1293 14.0 332
S-slits 90 1365 16.6 332
M-slits 66 1100 11.3 336

K-S D 0.47 0.31 0.52 0.20
Test (a) p 3.57×10−5 0.02 2.58×10−6 0.27

Notes. (†)These are projected values and, thus, lower limits to their true values.


Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) test comparing samples from the S slits and M slits.

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