Fig. 11.
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Global SFR for SIT triplet vs. stellar mass ratio. Upper panel: global SFR vs. mass ratio of the B galaxy with respect to the A galaxy (M⋆, B/M⋆, A). Lower panel: global SFR vs. mass ratio of the C galaxy with respect to the A galaxy (M⋆, C/M⋆, A). The morphological categories represented in the legend are as follows: blue diamonds correspond to triplets with three late-type galaxies (TL), green unfilled stars to triplets with two late-type galaxies (with the central late-type galaxy) and one early-type (TCLl), green stars to triplets with the central late-type galaxy and two early-type galaxies (TCLe), unfilled orange crosses to triplets with two late-type galaxies and the central early-type (TCEl), orange diamonds to triplets with two early-type galaxies (with the central early-type galaxy) and one late-type (TCEe), and red triangles to triplets with three elliptical galaxies (TE).
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