Open Access

Table 3.

CARLA selected overdensities.

Selected cluster zclus Overdensity Ngal S/Nc log log Est. field cont. AGN
CARLAJ1358+5752 1.368 1 19 17 12.6 14.3 10% C
CARLAJ1358+5752 1.368 2 18 15 11.2 13.8 10%
CARLAJ0958–2904 1.392 1 8 6 11.4 13.7 25% C
CARLAJ0116–2052 1.425 1 18 16 11.7 14.0 10% ∼0.5′
CARLAJ1103+3449 1.442 1 12 10 11.5 13.6 15% C
CARLAJ1131–2705 1.446 1 9 7 11.3 13.6 20% C
CARLAJ2355–0002 1.490 1 17 15 11.7 14.0 10% C
CARLAJ1129+0951 1.528 1 16 14 12.5 14.3 10% ∼0.5′
CARLAJ1753+6310 1.582 1 25 23 11.8 13.9 10% C
CARLAJ1052+0806 1.646 1 17 15 12.0 14.1 10% C
CARLAJ1300+4009 1.675 1 17 15 12.1 14.1 10% C
CARLAJ2227–2705 1.692 0
CARLAJ1510+5958 1.725 1 13 11 12 14.2 15% C
CARLAJ1018+0530 1.952 1 13 11 11.9 14.0 15%
CARLAJ1018+0530 1.952 2 12 10 12.1 14.1 15% C
CARLAJ0800+4029 1.986 1 19 17 12.3 14.3 10% C
CARLAJ2039–2514 1.999 1 12 10 11.8 14.0 15% C
CARLAJ2039–2514 1.999 2 10 8 11.6 13.6 20% ∼0.7′
CARLAJ1017+6116 2.801 1 16 14 12.6 14.6 10% C

Notes. We show the CARLA name of the cluster, the average cluster spectroscopic redshift ⟨zclus⟩ from Noirot et al. (2018), overdensity label (this is 0 if we did not select overdensities, 1 if we select only one overdensity, and 1 or 2 if we select two overdensities), the number of selected galaxies, the S/N in the selected circular region, the cluster total stellar mass, the approximate halo mass, the expected approximate percentage contamination of field galaxies in the selected circular region , and the position of the AGN: C indicates that the AGN is within ∼0.25′ from the overdensity peak; if it is not, we give the distance from the peak.

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