Open Access

Table 2.

CARLA confirmed cluster sample ground-based observations from Cooke et al. (2015).

Name zclus Other name Instrument Bandpass Exp. time Seeing 5σ mag. limit
sec. mag
CARLAJ1358+5752 1.368 J1358+5752 ACAM i 8400 0.9 24.95
CARLAJ1103+3449 1.442 6CE1100+3505 ACAM i 9600 1.1 25.14
CARLAJ2355–0002 1.490 TXS2353–003 ACAM i 6000 0.8 24.99
CARLAJ1129+0951 1.528 J1129+0951 GMOS-S i 2645 0.4 24.78
CARLAJ1753+6310 1.582 7C1753+6311 ACAM i 6000 0.7 25.08
CARLAJ1052+0806 1.646 J1052+0806 GMOS-S i 2645 0.6 25.04
CARLAJ1018+0530 1.952 J1018+0530 ACAM i 7200 0.8 25.19
CARLAJ2039–2514 1.997 MRC2036–254 ISAAC z 4800 0.7 23.20
CARLAJ0800+4029 2.004 J0800+4029 ACAM i 6600 0.9 25.16

Notes. For more details on these observations, please refer to Cooke et al. (2015). Most of the imaging was taken in the i-band. One cluster was observed in the z-band. The 5σ magnitude limit is measured in circular regions with radius equal to 2.5 the full width half maximum of the composed images.

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