Open Access

Table 1.

CARLA confirmed cluster sample.

Name zAGN zclus Other name Nspec σdet 1+δspec AGN type Classification
CARLAJ1358+5752 1.370 1.368 J1358+5752 14 19.4 6.8 RLQ PC
CARLAJ0958–2904 1.411 1.392 MRC0955–288 8 19 3.5 HzRG PC
CARLAJ0116–2052 1.417 1.425 MRC0114–211 12 18 6.3 HzRG PC
CARLAJ1103+3449 1.444 1.442 6CE1100+3505 8 21.0 3.9 HzRG PC
CARLAJ1131–2705 1.444 1.446 MRC1128–268 9 17.8 5.1 HzRG PC
CARLAJ2355–0002 1.487 1.490 TXS2353–003 12 19.4 6.3 HzRG PC
CARLAJ1129+0951 1.520 1.528 J1129+0951 12 21.0 6.3 RLQ PC
CARLAJ1753+6310 1.576 1.582 7C1753+6311 5 17.5 2.8 HzRG HPC
CARLAJ1052+0806 1.641 1.646 J1052+0806 6 19 6.2 RLQ PC
CARLAJ2227–2705 1.684 1.692 MRC2224–273 7 18.5 6.2 HzRG PC
CARLAJ1300+4009 1.669 1.675 J1300+4009 8 18.1 7.2 RLQ PC
CARLAJ1510+5958 1.719 1.725 J1510+5958 6 19.4 6.2 RLQ PC
CARLAJ1018+0530 1.949 1.952 J1018+0530 8 18 8.6 RLQ PC
CARLAJ2039–2514 1.997 1.999 MRC2036–254 9 22.6 9.8 HzRG HPC
CARLAJ0800+4029 2.004 1.986 J0800+4029 10 21 11.0 RLQ PC
CARLAJ1017+6116 2.80 2.801 J1017+6116 7 21 47.9 RLQ HPC

Notes. From Noirot et al. (2018; Tables 2 and 4) and Wylezalek et al. (2014): the CARLA name of the cluster, the AGN redshift zAGN, the average cluster spectroscopic redshift zclus, other names for the cluster (when this applies), the number of spectroscopically confirmed members Nspec, the significance of the detection from the Spitzer colour selection σdet from Wylezalek et al. (2014), the significance of the spectroscopic selection HST (1+δspec), the AGN type, and the cluster classification. HzRG labels high redshift radio galaxies, and RLQ labels radio loud quasars. HPC and PC indicate a ‘highly probable confirmed cluster’ and ‘probable confirmed cluster’, respectively, as defined in Noirot et al. (2018).

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