Open Access

Table 3.

Total number of supernova events, number of PISNe, and their corresponding iron ejection mass for the different IMFs used in this work.

Model ID #SNe (1)/ Fe Total (3)/ Fe Boost (5)
#PISNe (2) Fe PISNe (4)
7.4/0 0.29/0 1

33.2/0 2.6/0 9.0

26.7/0 1.9/0 6.6

23.2/0.83 7.7/6.2 26.6

Notes. All quantities were computed for 1000 M of stars formed. (1)Total number of supernovae (CCSNe and PISNe) for 1000 M (2)Number of PISNe for 1000 M of stars (3)Total iron mass ejected from CCSNe and PISNe per 1000 M of stars (4)Iron mass ejected from PISNe per 1000 M of stars (5)Ratio of the total mass of ejected iron in each model compared to the Pop II, which contains no Pop III stars.

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