Open Access
Table B.1.
Header description of the sample with individual measurements.
COL | Identifier | Type | Units | Description |
1 | SDSS | STRING | NULL | File name |
2 | z | FLOAT | NULL | z for this work, measured using [OII]λ3728 (see text) |
3 | z_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | z (this work) error |
4 | z_SDSS | FLOAT | NULL | z given by the SDSS database |
5 | z_SDSS_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | z given by the SDSS database error |
6 | SN | SHORT | NULL | S/N Ratio measured around 1700Å |
7 | C1700 | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 1700Å |
8 | C1700_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 1700Å error |
9 | N1700 | FLOAT | NULL | Continuum normalisation at 1700Å |
10 | N1700_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | Continuum normalisation at 1700Å error |
11 | CIII_PROFILE | STRING | NULL | CIII]λ1909 BC Line Profile. G = Gaussian, L = Lorentzian |
12 | ALPHA_R1 | FLOAT | NULL | Power-Law Index - α in Region 1 (see text) |
13 | ALPHA_R1_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | Power-Law Index - α error |
14 | FLUX_FEIII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe III Flux |
15 | FLUX_FEIII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe III Flux error |
16 | SHIFT_FEIII | FLOAT | Å | Fe III shift with respect to the Rest frame |
17 | SHIFT_FEIII_ERR | FLOAT | Å | Fe III shift with respect to the Rest frame error |
18 | EW_CIIIBC | FLOAT | Å | CIII]λ1909 BC Equivalent Width |
19 | EW_CIIIBC_ERR | FLOAT | Å | CIII]λ1909 BC Equivalent Width error |
20 | FLUX_CIIIBC | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 BC Flux |
21 | FLUX_CIIIBC_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 BC Flux error |
22 | SHIFT_CIIIBC | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 BC shift with respect to the Rest frame |
23 | SHIFT_CIIIBC_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 BC shift with respect to the Rest frame error |
24 | FWHM_CIIIBC | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 BC Full Width at Half Maximuum |
25 | FWHM_CIIIBC_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 BC FWHM error |
26 | EW_SIIII | FLOAT | Å | Si III]λ1892 Equivalent Width |
27 | EW_SIIII_ERR | FLOAT | Å | Si III]λ1892 Equivalent Width error |
28 | FLUX_SIIII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Si III]λ1892 Flux |
29 | FLUX_SIIII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Si III]λ1892 Flux error |
30 | SHIFT_SIIII | SHORT | km s−1 | Si III]λ1892 shift with respect to the Rest frame |
31 | SHIFT_SIIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Si III]λ1892 shift with respect to the Rest frame error |
32 | FWHM_SIIII | SHORT | km s−1 | Si III]λ1892 FWHM |
33 | FWHM_SiIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Si III]λ1892 FWHM error |
34 | EW_ALIII | FLOAT | Å | Al IIIλ1860 Equivalent Width |
35 | EW_ALIII_ERR | FLOAT | Å | Al IIIλ1860 Equivalent Width error |
36 | FLUX_AlIII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Al IIIλ1860 Flux |
37 | FLUX_AlIII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Al IIIλ1860 Flux error |
38 | SHIFT_AlIII | SHORT | km s−1 | Al IIIλ1860 shift with respect to the Rest frame |
39 | SHIFT_AlIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Al IIIλ1860 shift with respect to the Rest frame error |
40 | FWHM_AlIII | SHORT | km s−1 | Al IIIλ1860 FWHM |
41 | FWHM_AlIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Al IIIλ1860 FWHM error |
42 | AlIII_SIIII | FLOAT | NULL | UV Diagnostic ratio Al IIIλ1860/Si III]λ1892 |
43 | AlIII_SIIII_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | UV Diagnostic ratio Al IIIλ1860/Si III]λ1892 error |
44 | CIII_SIIII | FLOAT | NULL | UV Diagnostic ratio CIII]λ1909/Si III]λ1892 |
45 | CIII_SIIII_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | UV Diagnostic ratio CIII]λ1909/Si III]λ1892 error |
46 | FLUX_NIII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | NIII]λ1750 Flux |
47 | FLUX_NIII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | NIII]λ1750 Flux err |
48 | FWHM_NIII | SHORT | km s−1 | NIII]λ1750 FWHM |
49 | FWHM_NIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | NIII]λ1750 FWHM error |
50 | FLUX_SIII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Si IIλ1816 Flux |
51 | FLUX_SIII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Si IIλ1816 Flux error |
52 | FWHM_SIII | SHORT | km s−1 | Si IIλ1816 FWHM |
53 | FWHM_SIII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Si IIλ1816 FWHM error |
54 | FLUX_FEII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe II(UV191) Flux |
55 | FLUX_FEII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe II(UV191) Flux error |
56 | FWHM_FEII | SHORT | km s−1 | Fe II(UV191) FWHM |
57 | FWHM_FEII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Fe II(UV191) FWHM error |
58 | FLUX_CIIINC | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 NC Flux |
59 | FLUX_CIIINC_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 NC Flux error |
60 | FWHM_CIIINC | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 NC FWHM |
61 | FWHM_CIIINC_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 NC FWHM error |
62 | FLUX_CIIIVBC | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 VBC Flux |
63 | FLUX_CIIIVBC_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | CIII]λ1909 VBC Flux error |
64 | FWHM_CIIIVBC | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 VBC FWHM |
65 | FWHM_CIIIVBC_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | CIII]λ1909 VBC FWHM error |
66 | FLUX_FE1914 | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe IIIλ1914 from UV 34 Flux |
67 | FLUX_FE1914_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | Fe IIIλ1914 Flux error |
68 | FWHM_FE1914 | SHORT | km s−1 | Fe IIIλ1914 FWHM |
69 | FWHM_FE1914_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | Fe IIIλ1914 FWHM error |
70 | ALPHA_R2 | FLOAT | NULL | Power-Law Index - α in Region 2 (see text) |
71 | FLUX_OII | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | [OII]λ3728 Flux |
72 | FLUX_OII_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 | [OII]λ3728 Flux error |
73 | FWHM_OII | SHORT | km s−1 | [OII]λ3728 FWHM |
74 | FWHM_OII_ERR | SHORT | km s−1 | [OII]λ3728 FWHM error |
75 | C1350 | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 1350 Å |
76 | C1350_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 1350 Å error |
77 | C3700 | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Pseudo-continuum Flux at 3700 Å |
78 | C3700_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Pseudo-continuum Flux at 3700 Åerror |
79 | C5100 | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 5100 Å |
80 | C5100_ERR | FLOAT | 10−17ergs s−1 cm−2 Å−1 | Continuum Flux at 5100 Å error |
81 | LOG_L1860 | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic Line Luminosity at 1860 Å |
82 | LOG_L1892 | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic Line Luminosity at 1892 Å |
83 | LOG_L1909 | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic Line Luminosity at 1909 Å |
84 | LOG_L_BOL | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic bolometric Luminosity at 1700 Å |
85 | LOG_L_BOL_ERR | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic bolometric Luminosity at 1700 Å error |
86 | FWHM_AB | SHORT | km s−1 | FWHMAB using Sulentic et al. (2017) criterion |
87 | LOG_MBH_CIII | FLOAT | NULL | Logarithmic Black Hole Mass in solar masses of CIII]λ1909 |
88 | LOG_MBH_AlIII | FLOAT | NULL | Logarithmic Black Hole Mass in solar masses of Al IIIλ1860 |
89 | REDD_CIII | FLOAT | NULL | Eddington Ratio using CIII]λ1909 line |
90 | REDD_CIII_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | Eddington Ratio using CIII]λ1909 line error |
91 | REDD_ALIII | FLOAT | NULL | Eddington Ratio using Al IIIλ1860 line |
92 | REDD_ALIII_ERR | FLOAT | NULL | Eddington Ratio using Al IIIλ1860 line error |
93 | LOG_L_VIR | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic Virial Luminosity for Pop. xA sources |
94 | LOG_L_VIR_ERR | FLOAT | ergs s−1 | Logarithmic Virial Luminosity for Pop. xA sources error |
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