Fig. 10.
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Comparison of MBH of Al III and C III], along with their residuals. Upper panels: log space of MBH(Al IIIλ1860) vs. MBH(C III]λ1909) computed with the scale relations of M22 and VP06 for the Pop. * sources [FWHM(C III]) ≠ FWHM(Al III)]: a) log MBH(Al III) vs. log MBH(C III]) both using M22 SR; b) log MBH(Al III) using Eq. (3) by M22 vs. Eq. (7) by VP06; c) log MBH(C III]) using Eq. (4) by M22 vs. Eq. (7) by VP06. Lower panels: residuals of each MBH computation, δlog MBH. Colour-code are the same as for Fig. 9. The dashed line traces the 1:1 relation, the solid line is the best fit obtained using the least-square method, and the red line is the median value of δlog MBH. The uncertainties of the Pop. * sample are marked with a cross and calculated as the sIQR.
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