Open Access

Table 4.

Stellar and wind parameters derived for M33 X-7 in this work.

Parameter Value
Spectral type O9 II
T* [kK]
T2/3(†) [kK]
log g* [cm s−2]
log L [L]
R* [R]
log [Myr−1]
v [km s−1]
v sin i [km s−1]
vmac [km s−1]
ξ [km s−1]
XH [mass fr.]
XHe [mass fr.]
XC/10−5 [mass fr.]
XN/10−4 [mass fr.]
XO/10−3 [mass fr.]
XSi/10−4 [mass fr.]
XMg/10−4 [mass fr.] 2 (*)
XAl/10−6 [mass fr.] 7.6 (*)
XP/10−6 [mass fr.] 2 (*)
XS/10−5 [mass fr.] 4.4 (*)
XNe/10−4 [mass fr.] 1.8 (*)
XFe/10−4 [mass fr.]
EB − V [mag]
RV 2.4
Mspec [M]
dBH [R*]
Inclination i [°] 65
vorb at BH [km s−1]
vwind at BH [km s−1]
Rrl [R*]
log QH [s−1] 49

Notes. The estimated or assumed mass fractions of elements are also listed. By adopting the derived parameters of the donor and orbital parameters from literature (see Table 1), we calculated further system parameters. See text for more details.


T2/3 is the effective temperature which refers to the radius where the Rosseland mean optical depth in the continuum is 2/3.


corresponds to typical values for OB stars in the LMC based on Trundle et al. (2007).

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