Open Access

Table 3.

Number of detectable halos in the CTA survey, NHALOs, depending on how their typical size is defined (lepton energy at which the extent of pair halo overdensity on top of interstellar background is evaluated, reference gamma-ray energy at which the flux profile is taken, and containment fraction fc of the latter).

fc (TeV) (TeV) NHALOs
0.68 1 1 70
0.95 1 1 56
0.68 10 1 69
0.95 10 1 58
0.68 10 3 74
0.95 10 3 63
0.68 10 10 82
0.95 10 10 70
0.68 100 10 83
0.95 100 10 71

Notes. The numbers correspond to a population of halos with suppressed diffusion region of size 50 pc and diffusion suppression by a factor 500.

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