Open Access

Table 2.

Number of detectable sources in past or forthcoming surveys, obtained for one single realization of the population model.

Survey SNRs PWNe Halos (30 pc) Halos (50 pc) Halos (80 pc) Total
Total in population 266 945 2613 2613 2613 3824
HESS (HGPS) 8 54 17 23 23 79, 85, or 85
HAWC (3HWC) 2 19 10 15 16 31, 36, or 37
CTA (GPS) 30 171 43 74 103 244, 275, or 304
CTA (GPS+) 44 261 103 166 217 408, 471, or 522

Notes. The prospects for halos are given for three alternative modeling, with different radii for the suppressed diffusion regions of 30, 50, or 80 pc, and diffusion suppression by factor 500 (see Table 1). Prospects for CTA are also given for a variant of the survey, GPS+, with sensitivity improvement by a factor of 2 with respect to the values published in Cherenkov Telescope Array Consortium (2019).

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