Fig. E.1
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Streamlines of 3D planet-induced gas flow around the planet with m = 0.3 and Mhw = 0. The planet-induced gas flow is in the flow-shear regime. The result is obtained from Kuwahara & Kurokawa (2020a). The solid green, orange, and red lines are the Keplerian shear, the horseshoe streamlines, and the recycling streamlines (Ormel et al. 2015b; Kuwahara et al. 2019) (or transient horseshoe streamlines (Fung et al. 2015)), respectively. The sphere is the Bondi sphere of the planet, whose size is 0.3 [H]. The arrows represent the direction of the gas flow. Panels a and b: Perspective views of the flow field. Panel c: x–y plane viewed from the +z direction.
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