Open Access

Table 1.

Log of the observations analyzed in this work.

Telescope ObsID Date Exp (ks)
Chandra 349 08-Mar-2000 2.8
350 17-Apr-2000 14.2
1618 28-May-2001 21.3
2340 29-May-2001 7.6

XMM-Newton 0110920101 08-Dec-2000 13.3/20.1
0059140101 06-May-2001 7.8/12.0
0059140201 17-Jun-2001 2.7/8.4
0059140401 17-Dec-2001 0.3/3.3
0059140901 22-May-2002 9.8/13.6
0400560301 17-Nov-2006 45.3/57.2
NuSTAR 60101046002 16-Nov-2015 54.8
60101046004 10-Jan-2016 103.6

Swift/BAT 105 months 1.85 × 105

Notes. Exposure times relative to the XMM-Newton observations are the final, cleaned exposure times of each spectrum, for the PN and MOS cameras, respectively.

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