Fig. 4.
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Relation between diagonal ridges and the moving groups in N-body simulation. (a): density distribution in the (R, vϕ) plane for stars selected in a 10° azimuthal cone (see Fig. 3). Coloured lines represent the selected spiral arm regions in guiding coordinates (see Fig. 3d). White vertical lines limit the SNd-like region at 8 ± 0.2 kpc. (b): same as in (a), but transformed into Rg-vϕ coordinates. (c): phase-space (vR,vϕ) density distribution for stars in the SNd-like region between the white lines in (a). (d): coloured density contours highlight the positive overdensities in (vR,vϕ) coordinates after unsharp masking of the density distribution in (c). The colours of the (vR,vϕ) overdensities are chosen to match the angular momentum (guiding radius) of the large-scale selections made in (Xg,Yg) (see Fig. 3d) and thus provide correspondence between the local SNd-like (vR,vϕ) features and large-scale (R, vϕ) ridges shown in (panel a).
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