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Table 6

New Galactocentric and heliocentric (d) distances computed from the peak velocity (Vp) of the c-C3H2 = 21,2-10,1 line as explained in Sect. 4.3.

Source Longitude


WB89-315 118.0 –95.1(0.3)(b) 16.3 10.7
WB89-379 124.6 –89.16(0.06) 16.4 10.2
WB89-380 124.6 –86.68(0.04) 16.0 9.7
WB89-391 125.8 –86.10(0.02) 16.1 9.7
WB89-399 128.8 –82.15(0.05) 16.0 9.4
WB89-437 135.3 –72.14(0.06) 15.7 8.6
WB89-440 135.6 –71.88(0.05) 15.7 8.6
WB89-501 145.2 –58.43(0.04) 15.6 8.0
WB89-529 149.6 –59.8(0.2) 17.8 10.1
WB89-572 156.9 –47.4(0.1) 18.3 10.3
WB89-621 168.1 –25.68(0.07) 18.9 10.6
WB89-640 167.1 –24.93(0.08) 16.8 8.6
WB89-670 173.0 –17.65(0.01) 23.4 15.1
WB89-705 174.7 –12.20(0.01) 20.5 12.2
WB89-789 195.8 34.25(0.05) 19.1 11.0
WB89-793 195.8 30.5(0.2) 16.9 8.7
WB89-898 217.6 63.5(0.1) 15.8 8.4
19423+2541 61.72 –72.58(0.04) 13.5 15.3
19383+2711 62.58 –70.2(0.2) 13.2 14.8
19383+2711-b(c) 62.58 –65.6(0.2) 12.7 14.2
19489+3030 66.61 –69.29(0.05) 12.9 13.7
19571+3113 68.15 –61.7(0.1) 12.2 12.5
19571+3113-b(c) 68.15 –66.2(0.1) 12.5 13.0
20243+3853 77.6 –73.21(0.05) 12.8 11.7
WB89-002 85.41 –2.83(0.09) 8.65 3.1
WB89-006 86.27 –90.38(0.05) 14.3 12.2
WB89-014 88.99 –96.0(0.1) 14.9 12.5
WB89-031 88.06 –88.89(0.08) 14.1 11.7
WB89-035 89.94 –77.56(0.03) 13.1 10.1
WB89-040 90.68 –62.38(0.05) 11.9 8.3
WB89-060 95.05 –83.7(0.15) 13.6 10.1
WB89-076 95.25 –97.07(0.02) 15.1 11.8
WB89-080 95.44 –74.1(0.2) 12.8 8.9
WB89-083 96.08 –93.76(0.04) 14.7 11.2
WB89-152 104.0 –88.5(0.2) 14.4 9.8
WB89-283 114.3 –94.69(0.06) 15.8 10.4
WB89-288 114.3 –101.0(0.1) 16.8 11.5

Notes. (a)Obtained from the Gaussian fits in Table B.2. Uncertainties derived from the fitting procedure are provided in parentheses. (b)Source undetected in c-C3H2 and in any other optically thin transition (Table 3). We use the VLSR given in Blair et al. (2008).(c)Second velocity feature (see Fig. B.2).

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