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Table 4

Rest frequencies and other spectroscopic parameters of the detected molecular transitions.

Molecule Rest frequency MHz Quantum numbers Eu K Log[Ai,j/s]
c-C3 H2 85338.89 = 21,2 - 10,1 6.4 –4.6341

HCS+ 85347.89 J = 2-1 6.1 –4.9548

CH3CCH 85457.30 J(K) = 5(0)-4(0) 12.3 –6.20908
85455.67 J(K) = 5(1)-4(1) 19.5 –6.2268

C4H 85634.00 N = 9-8, J = 19/2–17/2, F = 9–8 20.5 –4.8189
85634.02 N = 9–8, J = 19/2–17/2, F = 10–9 20.5 –4.8163
85672.58 N = 9–8, J = 17/2–15/2, F = 8–7 20.6 –4.8217
85672.58 N = 9–8, J = 17/2–15/2, F = 9–8 20.6 –4.8184

NH2D 85926.28 = 11,1-10,1 20.7 –5.1057

CCS 86181.39 N = 7-6, J = 6-5 23.3 –4.5563

SO 86093.95 N = 2-1, J = 2-1 19.3 –5.2799

HCO 86670.76 = 10, 1-00,0, J = 3/2-1/2, F = 2-1 4.2 –5.3289
86708.36 = 10,1 -00,0, J = 3/2-1/2, F = 1-0 4.2 –5.3377
86777.46 = 10,1 -00,0, J = 1/2-1/2, F = 1-1 4.2 –5.3366
86805.78 = 10,1 -00,0, J = 1/2–1/2, F = 0 -1 4.2 –5.3268

H13CO+ 86754.29 J = 1 - 0 4.2 –4.4142

HCN 88630.42 J = 1-0, F = 1-1 4.3 –4.6184
88631.85 J = 1-0, F = 2-1 4.3 –4.6185
88633.94 J = 1-0, F = 0-1 4.3 –4.6184

HCO+ 89.18852 J = 1-0 4.3 –4.3781

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