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Table 1

Log of CHEOPS observations of WASP-103b.

# Start date Duration Nobs Effic. APER Rap Decorrelation
(UTC) (h) (%) (pixels)
1 2020-04-18T22:55:40.965587 6.02 269 74 OPTIMAL 17.0 Roll, bg
2 2020-05-02T19:53:40.996584 6.14 296 80 DEFAULT 25 Roll
3 2020-05-05T14:10:00.434364 6.55 308 78 OPTIMAL 17.5 bg
4 2020-05-16T14:57:01.026698 9.64 523 90 DEFAULT 25 Roll, x, y
5 2020-05-19T10:08:00.408947 9.67 544 94 OPTIMAL 19.0 Roll, bg
6 2020-05-25T21:19:00.404138 9.97 560 94 OPTIMAL 19.0 Roll, x
7 2020-06-06T22:07:00.904021 9.37 540 96 DEFAULT 25.0 Roll
8 2020-06-07T20:04:00.500261 9.64 546 94 DEFAULT 25.0 Roll
9 2020-06-14T08:08:00.511905 9.64 533 92 OPTIMAL 19.0 Roll, bg
10 2020-06-18T23:06:00.996556 9.64 555 96 DEFAULT 25.0 Roll
11 2020-06-19T21:02:00.713493 9.64 538 93 OPTIMAL 19.0 Roll, bg
12 2020-06-20T19:07:39.419756 9.55 537 93 OPTIMAL 18.5 Roll, cont, x, bg

Notes. The transits are labelled by their sequence number throughout the paper. Effic. is the proportion of the time in which unobstructed observations of the target occurred. Rap is the aperture radius used for the photometric extraction. We also give the decorrelation parameters used for each light curve roll angle (roll), background (bg), x centroid (x), y centroid (y), and contamination (cont).

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