Table 3.
Best-fit spectral parameters obtained from the spectral fitting of the contemporaneous Swift/XRT and NuSTAR (FPMA and FPMB) observations of IGR1654.
pwab |
Reflect | mkcflow |
bbody | gauss |
Models (↓) | NH, max | β | Rrefl | Cosi | kT | Az | nmkcflow | kTbb | nbb | ng | EW | fX0.5 − 78.0 | ![]() |
A | … | … | … | … | 71![]() |
1.0![]() |
1.94![]() |
… | … | 4.83![]() |
226![]() |
4.83![]() |
1.24/792 | |
B | 2.1![]() |
−0.32![]() |
… | … | 56![]() |
1.0![]() |
2.22![]() |
… | … | 4.24![]() |
195![]() |
4.16![]() |
1.13/791 | |
C | 1.8![]() |
−0.26![]() |
1.7![]() |
0.45 (†) | 30![]() |
0.6![]() |
3.36![]() |
… | … | 3.78![]() |
163![]() |
3.87![]() |
1.05/790 | |
2.0![]() |
−0.26![]() |
1 (†) | >0.70 | 30![]() |
0.6![]() |
3.51![]() |
… | … | 3.89![]() |
181![]() |
3.97![]() |
1.05/790 | ||
D | 1.8![]() |
−0.22![]() |
1 (†) | >0.70 | 31![]() |
0.6![]() |
3.43![]() |
64![]() |
<1.22 | 3.82![]() |
172![]() |
3.93![]() |
1.04/788 |
Notes.(†)represents a fixed parameter (see text for details). NH, max is the maximum equivalent hydrogen column in units of 1023 cm−2 and β is the power-law index for the covering fraction. Rrefl is the reflection component, Cosi is the inclination angle of the reflecting surface, kT is the high temperature of MKCFLOW model in units of keV, nmkcflow is the normalization of the MKCFLOW model in units of 10−10 M⊙ yr−1, kTbb is the blackbody temperature in units of eV, nbb is the normalization constant of the blackbody in units of 10−2, ng is normalization constant of the Gaussian component in units of 10−5, EW is the equivalent width of Fe Kα in units of eV, and fX is the unabsorbed X-ray flux derived in the 0.5–78.0 keV energy band in units of 10−11 erg cm−2 s−1. All the errors are within a 90% confidence interval for a single parameter (Δχ2 = 2.706).
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