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Table 2

Calculated molecular data for the candidates considered.

Species (B+C)/2 G.S. Species (B+C)/2 G.S.
NNH 44.968 2A H2CN+ 31.626 3A2
NNH 37.605 3A H2CN 35.117 1A1
cis-HNNH 36.763 1A cis-HCNH+ 34.271 3A
H2NN 36.558 1A trans-HCNH+ 33.004 3A
H2NN+ 37.971 2B2 H2NC+ 38.369 1A1
HCN+ 40.073 (a) 2Π cis-HCOH+ 36.654 2A
HCN 44.432 (a) 2Σ trans-HCOH+ 36.534 2A
trans-HCNH 37.125 2A H2NO+ 36.815 1A1
cis-HCNH 37.330 2A cis-HNOH+ 35.312 1A
H2NC 36.214 2B2 trans-HNOH+ 35.591 1A

Notes. (B+C)/2 in units of GHz. G.S. stands for ground electronic state. (a) Value corresponds to B because this species is linear.

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