Open Access

Fig. 13.


Properties of the HII regions of IC 3476 with luminosity L(Hα) ≥ 1036 erg s−1 and S/N > 5. Upper left: Hα luminosity function. Upper right: relationship between the Hα luminosity and the equivalent diameter. Lower left: distribution of the equivalent diameter. Lower right: distribution of the electron density. The black histograms indicate all HII regions, the red and blue filled histograms and symbols indicate HII regions located on the front region within the disc and HII regions in the tails outside the disc, respectively; and the green hatched histograms and empty symbols indicate HII regions within the stellar disc but outside the front structure. All Hα luminosities are corrected for [NII] contamination using the mean [NII]/Hα ratio derived within the MUSE field, [NII]/Hα = 0.29. Electron densities are also corrected for Balmer decrement (A(Hα) = 0.68 mag) for comparison with other works. The dotted line in the upper right panel shows the ne = 1 cm−3 relation. Equivalent diameters and electron densities are only plotted for those regions where the correction for the effect of the PSF is less than 50%.

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