Fig. 4
Top row: variations of the square root of the CRB of logN as a function of the column density and the excitation temperature. Second and third row: correlation coefficients between efficient estimators of (Tex, logN), and (logN, σV) in the second and third rows. respectively (defined in Eqs. (23) and (24)). Bottom row: variations of functions of the opacities. Left: only 13CO(1− 0) is analyzed. Middle: only 13CO(2−1) is analyzed. Right: both 13CO(1−0) and 13CO(2− 1) are analyzed simultaneously. In (a) and (b) pixels in grey correspond to Tex and N values whichlead to singular Fisher matrices. For this analysis, σb = 100 mK, ΔV = 1.1 km s−1 and σV = 0.61 km s−1.
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