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Table C.1.

Mean tomographic redshifts and representation statistics of photometric source galaxies within each of our gold samples.

sample Bin1 Bin2 Bin3 Bin4 Bin5 Bin1 Bin2 Bin3 Bin4 Bin5
KV450-DIR 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.369 0.463 0.643 0.806 0.973
Fiducial 78.6 82.1 79.2 82.3 91.6 0.236 0.379 0.537 0.766 0.948

nozCOSMOS 93.4 92.2 92.0 88.3 91.5 0.214 0.371 0.529 0.755 0.945
noDEEP2 97.7 96.2 88.6 79.5 72.7 0.237 0.374 0.516 0.737 0.908
noVVDS 97.1 92.4 86.2 88.1 91.4 0.237 0.373 0.537 0.766 0.951
speczquality4 95.0 92.0 87.2 86.8 89.4 0.231 0.367 0.524 0.756 0.941
multispec3 71.2 72.7 65.0 55.4 54.5 0.226 0.369 0.515 0.737 0.906

Notes. Representation is defined using the effective number density of sources for cosmic shear studies, neff, in each of the gold samples relative to a reference sample neff. For the fiducial representation statistic, we use the full KV450 photometric data set for reference (i.e. ), while all other gold sample representations use the fiducial for reference (i.e. ). The statistics are all given per tomographic bin. The table demonstrates that each of our nozCOSMOS, noVVDS, and noDEEP2 gold samples has preferentially removed a different section of the colour-space. This is joined, however, by a shift in the mean redshift of the tomographic bin, indicating that the loss of the colour redshift space has been accounted for in the reconstruction. As expected, the multispec3 selection is highly restrictive, removing 30 − 45% of the fiducial photometric neff in every bin.

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