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Fig. 1.


Posterior constraints of S8 (left) and Ωm vs. S8 (right) for our various gold samples, compared to the results from H20 and Planck CMB. We show results for our analyses split into sections, determined by the form of their redshift distribution priors. Results computed using more informative, non-zero mean, Gaussian redshift distribution bias priors (‘δz ≠ 0’, see Appendix B) for gold samples where these are able to be calculated, and using the zero mean Gaussian bias priors from H20 otherwise (‘δz = 0’). For our fiducial analysis, we show results with both priors to allow for direct comparisons between our various results. We annotate our contour figure (right) with the two Gaussian smoothing kernels used in generating the contours (one for the cosmic shear contours and one for the CMB contours). We find that our new cosmology pipeline produces results that are consistent with the pipeline of H20 (left panel, blue dashed box). Our fiducial results (orange) suggest a slightly lower S8 than found in previous works: . However we find that constraints on S8 are extremely stable for all of our gold sample analyses here (compared to the fiducial: |ΔS8|< 0.2σ), demonstrating that the results here are more robust with regard to spectroscopic misrepresentation than in previous works. In particular, unlike H20, we find that even pathological misrepresentation at high-redshift (‘noDEEP2’) is unable to shift our estimates of S8 to larger values.

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