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Table A.1.

Data model for the StarHorse catalogues described in this paper.

Column Description Unit
ID Unique object identifier string
glon Galactic longitude deg
glat Galactic latitude deg
mass16 16th percentile of StarHorse stellar mass PDF M
mass50 50th percentile of StarHorse stellar mass PDF M
mass84 84th percentile of StarHorse stellar mass PDF M
teff16 16th percentile of StarHorse effective temperature PDF K
teff50 50th percentile of StarHorse effective temperature PDF K
teff84 84th percentile of StarHorse effective temperature PDF K
log g16 16th percentile of StarHorse surface gravity PDF dex
log g50 50th percentile of StarHorse surface gravity PDF dex
log g84 84th percentile of StarHorse surface gravity PDF dex
met16 16th percentile of StarHorse metallicity PDF dex
met50 50th percentile of StarHorse metallicity PDF dex
met84 84th percentile of StarHorse metallicity PDF dex
dist16 16th percentile of StarHorse distance PDF kpc
dist50 50th percentile of StarHorse distance PDF kpc
dist84 84th percentile of StarHorse distance PDF kpc
AV16 16th percentile of StarHorse extinction in the V band PDF mag
AV50 50th percentile of StarHorse extinction in the V band PDF mag
AV84 84th percentile of StarHorse extinction in the V band PDF mag
SH_INPUTFLAGS StarHorse flags specifying catalogue input completeness and quality string
SH_OUTPUTFLAGS StarHorse flags specifying output quality string

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