Fig. 6.
Upper panels: kinematics of sample stars (left) and model stars (right) within 0.5 kpc of the bar major axis. Middle panels: model stars separated into whether they are on bar orbits (see text for details). Lower panels: mean metallicity (left) and fraction of super solar metallicity stars (right). In the middle and lower panels we also plot the model circular velocity at these galactocentric distances (red) and orbits with zero angular momentum in a frame rotating at Ω = 35 km s−1 kpc−1 (orange). These zero angular momentum orbits correspond to an pencil thin bar and have galactocentric velocity −80 km s−1 to 80 km s−1 in steps of 20 km s−1. In the model, bar orbits have kinematics near these low angular momentum orbits, and the stars in this region of kinematic space are preferentially metal rich.
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