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Table 4

Same as Table 3, but for asteroids which were not observed during this campaign.

Asteroid b / a c / b P sid λ 1 β 1 λ 2 β 2 η a D Ref.
[h] [deg] [deg] [deg] [deg] [km]

234 0.90 0.88 26.474 144 −38 0.33 43.7 [1]
599 9.3240 71 [2]
606 0.82 0.92 12.2907 183 20 354 26 35.5 [3]
642 8.19 38.2 [4]
673 22.340 41.6 [5]
679 0.72 0.92 8.45602 220 32 42 −5 0.38 51.4 [6]
1284 9.55 46 [7]
2448 10.061 43 [8]

Notes. The bootstrap method was not applied to (606) because the number of dense light-curves was not sufficient.

Reference. [1] Tanga et al. (2015); [2] Debehogne et al. (1977); [3] Hanuš et al. (2011); [4] LeCrone et al. (2005); [5] Marciniak et al. (2016); [6] Marciniak et al. (2011); [7] Carreño-Carcerán et al. (2016); [8] Strabla et al. (2013).

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