Fig. 2
Simulation of a 1:10 merger on a Milky Way-type galaxy. Leftmost panels in the top row show time evolution on the satellite distance from the center of the Milky Way-type galaxy and evolution of its total energy E, and of the z-component of the angular momentum Lz. The colored dots indicate different epochs of pericenter and apocenter passage of the satellite during its orbit around the Milky Way-type galaxy. From left to right and from top to bottom: distribution in the E − Lz plane of stars belonging to the satellite at different epochs during the accretion event. All stars belonging to the satellite, both the unbound and the bound population, are shown. The satellite merges at approximately 2.5 Gyr from the beginning of the simulation (t = 0). In all the E − Lz plots, colors code the stellar density in logarithmic scale, as indicated by the color bar.
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