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Fig. C.1


Similar to Fig. 6, for one of the volumes at 8 kpc, as indicated in the legend, but this time only halo stars in the selected volume are shown. Halo stars are selected on the basis of their location on the Toomre diagram (upper-left panel), as those with . Red points indicate the distribution of one out of fifty halo stars in the volume, blue points indicate thin and thick disc stars in the volume. The following figures, from left to right and from top to bottom, indicate the distribution in the ELz space of all halo stars in the selected volume, of in-situ halo stars and of accreted halo stars. The middle and right panels in the bottom row indicate, respectively, the fractional contribution of satellite stars to the total stellar distribution in the ELz space and the complementary fractional contribution of in-situ stars. Velocities are in units of 100 km s-1, angular momenta in units of 100 km s-1 kpc, energies in units of 100 km s2.

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