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Table 2

Results of the application of the GL method in the frequency range of 0.050.07 Hz for the broad energy band of 0.161.60 keV.

Obsid MJD * Frequency HPDlo(68%) HPDhi(68%) Most probable
[mid-time] (Hz) [Hz] [Hz] number of phase bins

0124100101 51 677.485469 0.0595869 0.0595863 0.0595873 12
0156960201 52 584.936555 0.0595867 0.0595858 0.0595873 10
0156960401 52 587.011838 0.0595868 0.0595859 0.0595875 11
0164560501 53 147.743162 0.0595923 0.0595919 0.0595928 12
0300520201 53 488.686427 0.0595867 0.0595863 0.0595873 12
0300520301 53 636.310901 0.0595867 0.0595860 0.0595872 11
0400140301 53 877.355 521 0.0595876 0.0595870 0.0595882 12
0400140401 54 044.616108 0.0595868 0.0595864 0.0595876 12
0502710201 54 225.859 109 0.0595874 0.0595851 0.0595878 12
0502710301 54 421.380495 0.0595865 0.0595859 0.0595868 10
0554510101 54 911.796392 0.0595857 0.0595844 0.0595868 11
0601170301 55 096.379108 0.0595869 0.0595858 0.0595876 11
0650920101 55 662.143634 0.0595851 0.0595841 0.0595858 4
0670700201 55 684.233810 0.0595872 0.0595864 0.0595877 11
0670700301 55 835.339910 0.0595873 0.0595866 0.0595877 12
0690070201 56 188.51 4699 0.0595870 0.0595865 0.0595874 10



The mid-time of the pointed observation.

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