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Fig. 1


Morphology of a cometary-shaped cloud L1251 as revealed in Sato et al. 1994. The contour shows the integrated 13CO(1–0) emission at the lowest level of 1.5 K km s-1 (Fig. 2b in Sato et al. 1994). Five ellipses represent locations and angular sizes of five C18O dense cores (Tables 1 and 2 in S94). The rotation of the individual cores is shown by small-sized gray arc arrows. The global rotation of the 13CO cloud is indicated by the large-sized arc arrow. For each arc arrow, denser gray color indicates the outer near side of the surface of the arc. The dashed lines are the rotation axes. The (0, 0) map position is RA = 22:31:02.3, Dec = 75:13:39 (J2000). The adopted distance to the cloud is 300 pc.

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