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Table 2
Observation sequence characteristics used for the characterization analysis after the injections of the synthetic planets.
Simulated seeing | 0.85′′ | |
Simulated wind speed | 5 m/s | |
Coronagraph type | Apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph | |
Coronagraph diameter | 185 mas | |
IRDIFS mode | H2H3 | YJ |
DITa | 1.6 s | 2.0 s |
NDITb | 20 | 50 |
Total exposure time | 512 s | 100 s |
Image size | 2048 × 1024 | 2048 × 2048 |
Dithering | 4 × 4 | None |
FoV rotation | None | None |
NDc | 0.0 | 0.0 |
Notes.The data were taken in the laboratory in IRDIFS mode (see Table 1).
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