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Table A.1

Assignments, observed frequencies, and calculated frequencies from the RAM fit, residuals, line strengths, and lower energy levels for methyl formate (HCOO13CH3) microwave transitions from vt = 0 and vt = 1 torsional states included in the fit with parameters of Table 2.

Upper statea Lower statea
J p J ′′ p ′′ Obs. Freq. (Unc.)b Calc. Freq (Unc.)c Obs.-Calcd S(if)e Lower energyf Refg

1 50 0 50 + 1 49 0 49 + 519 745.410(30) 519 745.377(5) 0.033 137.102 560.0328 NEW B
1 51 0 51 + 1 50 0 50 + 530 000.398(30) 530 000.382(5) 0.016 22.972 577.3696 NEW B
1 52 0 52 + 1 51 0 51 + 540 252.626(30) 540 252.652(5) –0.026 153.599 595.0485 NEW B
1 53 0 53 + 1 52 0 52 + 550 502.111(30) 550 502.133(6) –0.022 154.358 613.0694 NEW B
1 54 0 54 + 1 53 0 53 + 560 748.773(30) 560 748.773(6) 0.000 137.761 631.4322 NEW B
1 55 0 55 + 1 54 0 54 + 570 992.521(30) 570 992.518(7) 0.003 148.615 650.1368 NEW B
1 56 0 56 + 1 55 0 55 + 581 233.298(30) 581 233.318(7) –0.020 35.289 669.1830 NEW B
1 57 0 57 + 1 56 0 56 + 591 471.082(30) 591 471.118(8) –0.036 181.673 688.5709 NEW B
1 58 0 58 + 1 57 0 57 + 601 705.819(30) 601 705.866(9) –0.047 184.679 708.3002 NEW B
1 59 0 59 + 1 58 0 58 + 611 937.436(30) 611 937.510(10) –0.074 187.823 728.3710 NEW B
1 60 0 60 + 1 59 0 59 + 622 165.944(30) 622 165.996(11) –0.052 190.689 748.7830 NEW B
1 50 0 50 1 49 0 49 519 732.280(30) 519 732.271(5) 0.009 159.484 559.5257 NEW B
1 51 0 51 1 50 0 50 529 985.311(30) 529 985.287(6) 0.024 161.679 576.8621 NEW B
1 52 0 52 1 51 0 51 540 235.593(30) 540 235.566(6) 0.027 122.669 594.5405 NEW B
1 53 0 53 1 52 0 52 550 483.081(30) 550 483.060(6) 0.021 114.755 612.5608 NEW B
1 54 0 54 1 53 0 53 560 727.716(30) 560 727.709(6) 0.007 172.372 630.9230 NEW B
1 55 0 55 1 54 0 54 570 969.450(30) 570 969.463(7) –0.013 175.587 649.6268 NEW B
1 56 0 56 1 55 0 55 581 208.238(30) 581 208.268(7) –0.030 178.795 668.6723 NEW B
1 57 0 57 1 56 0 56 591 444.057(30) 591 444.072(8) –0.015 182.011 688.0593 NEW B
1 58 0 58 1 57 0 57 601 676.811(30) 601 676.819(9) –0.008 185.223 707.7878 NEW B
1 59 0 59 1 58 0 58 611 906.456(30) 611 906.456(9) 0.000 188.431 727.8576 NEW B
1 60 0 60 1 59 0 59 622 132.891(30) 622 132.935(10) –0.044 191.656 748.2686 NEW B



Upper and lower state quantum numbers are indicated by and ′′ respectively. Torsion-rotation levels of A species have a “parity” label; levels of E species have a signed Ka value (Herbst et al. 1984).


Observed vt = 0 and 1 microwave transitions in MHz, with estimated uncertainties in parentheses (in kHz).


Calculated line frequency in MHz with calculated uncertainty in kHz.


Differences among the experimental and computed frequencies.


Calculated line strengths in D**2 (for details of the calculation procedure, see Sect. 4).


Lower state energy (cm-1) referred to the J = Ka = 0 A-species energy level taken as the zero of the energy (zero-point torsional energy: 71.0704 cm-1).


Sources of data are explained in footnote b of Table 1. Blended lines are indicated with a capital letter B.

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