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Table 2

Temperatures and methyl cyanide column densities for IRc2 and the northeastern hot zone derived from analysis of the K-ladder emission lines.

CH3CN Rotation diagram Population diagram LVG model fit
J′ → J′′ T rot N beam T rot N source T kin N source
(K) (1015 cm-2) (K) (1016 cm-2) (K) (1016 cm-2)

IRc2 (+ 0″, +0″)

6K−5K 495 14 260 20 270 7.9
12K−11K 415 6.8 230 6.3 190 1.3
13K−12K 329 4.9 220 6.3 270 1.6
14K−13K 442 6.1 290 6.3 340 1.6

Hot zone peak

6K−5K 517 5.7 300 16 370 5.0
12K−11K 415 1.4 550 6.3 260 2.0
13K−12K 402 1.3 400 5.0 360 0.8
14K−13K 476 0.4 510 5.0 460 1.0

Hot zone average

6K−5K 415 5.9 220 12 270 5.4
12K−11K 313 1.7 250 4.7 200 1.1
13K−12K 313 1.4 290 4.8 240 1.0
14K−13K 418 1.2 360 5.2 350 1.0

Notes. Hot zone values are quoted for the peak temperature position (“Peak”) and for the average over all positions (“Average”) within the circled region on each map (see Figs. 10, 12, and 14).

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