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Table 1

Physical and dynamical parameters derived with Genoid with the keplerian model (EQJ2000).

Moon name Weywot Linus Balam-I

Orbital elements
a 14467 km  ±  445 km 1081.5  ±  33.5 km 203.4 km
P 12.047 day  ±  5.E-03 day 3.595712  ±  6.8E-05 day 81.42 day
e 0.148  ±  0.058 6.883E-003  ±  0.03124 0.573
tpp 2 453 999.81 day  ±  0.39 jd 2 452 215.141  ±  0.067 jd 2 453 973.3 jd
i  −35.16°  ±  4.73° 94.18  ±  1.92° 19.4°
ω 174.92°  ±  7.38° 285.05  ±  2.11° 282.6°
ωp 200.27°  ±  11.65° 150.32  ±  7.25° 232.7°
System (50 000) Quaoar (22) Kalliope (3749) Balam

Mass 1.65E+21  ±  0.16E+21 kg 7.75E+18  ±  0.7E+18 kg 1.01E+14 kg
Density 1.58  ±  1.25 g cm3 3.24  ±  0.48 g cm3 1.9 g cm3
Orbital Pole (ECJ2000)
λ  −104 ± 7°  −164 ± 2° 136°
β 78 ± 7° 2  ±  2° 63°
Inclination of the Orbital Pole with respect to the Primary Pole:
Residual axis X:
mean 0 mas  −4 mas 1 mas
std dev 16 mas 14 mas 13 mas
Residual axis Y:
mean 0 mas  −2 mas 0 mas
std dev 18 mas 16 mas 13 mas

Notes. Errors are given in 3-σ for (22) Kalliope and (50 000) Quaoar. The best fitting solution for (3749) Balam is given without error estimate since several solutions with an equivalent fp were found (see Table 2).

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