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Fig. 11


Top: VLT/NACO K-band (left) and L-band (right, provided by Duchêne) images of GSS 30, with the CRIRES slit in red. Nebulosity is detected to the NE and SW of the resolved central source. Bottom: the cross-dispersion profile of K-band, M-band, and narrow CO emission from GSS 30 along the CRIRES slit. The K-band emission is extracted from the NACO image, deconvolved to the  seeing during our CRIRES observation. The M-band continuum and the on-source CO emission are unresolved. That the M-band continuum emission is broader than the L-band continuum emission may be the result of broad wings on the CRIRES point-spread function, which we do not account for here. The extent of the narrow CO emission is somewhat similar to the K-band nebulosity.

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