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Table 3

Constellations in the Tertia Classis of Kepler.

CK N K Constellation Fig.

51 Gru 13 1303 Grus C.19
52 Phe 15 1316 Phoenix C.1
53 Ind 12 1331 Indus C.18
54 Pav 23 1343 Pavo C.17
55 Aps 11 1366 Apus, Avis Indica C.14
56 Mus 4 1377 Apis, Musca C.9
57 Cha 10 1381 Chamaeleon C.11
58 TrA 5 1391 Triangulum Aus. C.13
59 Vol 7 1396 Piscis Volans, Passer C.10
60 Dor 7 1403 Dorado, Xiphias C.4
61 Tuc 8 1410 Toucan, Anser Americanus C.20
62 Hyi 21 1418 Hydrus C.4
all 136

Notes. Columns as in Table 2, without the OT.

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