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Table 1

Summary of IMF model parameters.

Model ID Colour code Mlow Mup α Mc σ Reference/comment ID in files

Salpeter black 1 100  2.35 A in Schaerer (2003) S
B green, dashed 1 500a 2.35 B in Schaerer (2003) B
C cyan, dashed 50 500a 2.35 C in Schaerer (2003) C
Scalo blue 1 500a 2.7b Scalo (1986) Sc
TA red 1 500a 10. 1.0 A in Tumlinson (2006) TA
TB magenta 1 500a 15. 0.3 B in Tumlinson (2006) TB
TE yellow 1 500a 60. 1.0 E in Tumlinson (2006) TR
L05 blue, dashed 1 100  5. Larson (1998) l0

Notes. Model ID is the label used in the figures, colour code the colour and linestyle. Note: the definition of Mc and σ is as in Tumlinson (2006). In particular sigma is the variance in ln(m), not log (m)!


For metallicities Z ≥ 0.0004 = 1 / 50   Z, we adopt Mup = 120   M, the maximum mass for which Geneva stellar evolution tracks are available.


Power-law exponent for M ≥ 2   M.

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